Friday, March 8, 2013

There Were These Two Angels

at the gates of heaven.  And they saw a group of people moving toward them, attempting to gain entry to the Kingdom. The first angel says, "Hey, aren't these the people who, while on earth, kept preaching 'alternative lifestyles' to everyone, trying to teach all that there is no right or wrong, but only individual freedom?"  The second angel replied, "Yes, that's the group."  The first angel said, "Well, we need to turn them straight around and send them off to hell, don't we?"  The second angel said, "Why are you so intolerant?  After all, they all think they led a wonderful and peaceful life.  What we need to do is allow them to continue in their former way of thinking and living."  Somewhat confused, the first angel asked, "What are you talking about?" The second angel got a smile on his face, and he said, "We need to send them to their own 'heaven' - it'll just be a place with an alternatively hot climate......."

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sometimes, the truth hurts...

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A good friend once said to me, "It's really hard to market fasting, prostrations, tithing, ...."

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